Publisher: wixkill.free.fr
File size: 86KB
OS: Windows Vista, XP, 98
Date added: 2009-10-27
Homepage: http://wixkill.free.fr
Category: Utilities
WiXkill Description
"Target any window on desktop and then close it or kill its associated program"
Edit by : WiXkill is a small utility designed for Windows 98, 2000, XP and Vista. With WiXkill, you can target any window on your desktop and then close it or kill its associated program.
Wixkill still in your "systray app" (a small area generaly located in the bottom left side of you screen, inside your taskbar). By right clicking Wixkill icon, you open the Wixkill popup menu.
The "WiXkill" command (Bold) start targeting windows. You target windows using the mouse. Until you click or press Escape key, a colored select area Focus Window your mouse cursor is on. When you left-click on a targeted window, WiXkill send to the windows the close method you defined in WiXkill preferences panel. Any other action (right-click, Escape key pressing, etc.) abort windows targeting process.
Tips : By double-clicking WiXkill SysTray Icon or pressing simultaneously "WINDOW-ALT-X" keys, you start targeting windows. you can free download WiXkill now.
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