Publisher: Ante Smolcic
File size: 50KB
OS: Not Application
Date added: 2009-10-27
Category: Utilities
SMUTILS 2.0 Description
"This is a collection of small DOS utililties that I use from time to time."
BS Editor: This is a collection of small DOS utililties that I use from time to time. You should get it if you like such little programs that occasionally you get to need.
1. Binary FileSplitter (combine just with COPY)
2. Program that copies files given in a list
3. Keyboard scan codes finder
4. File truncate program
5. Fast string replacing utility (new version in 2.0)
6. Utillilty that reduces files to size 0 (can work on whole directory)
7. Encrypting/Decrypting Program
8. Utility that cuts the beggining of a file until the given string is encountered
9. Utility that shows different HD partition serial number.
10. Copy program that copies files from damaged disks replacing bad sectors with empty ones. Useful if your diks is damaged and you dont' wanna fiddle with disk editors or rescue utilities. (this is new in 2.0) you can free download SMUTILS 2.0 now.
SMUTILS 2.0 Keywords
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This program searches and replaces character strings in the given files. - SMUTILS
This is a collection of small DOS utililties that I use from time to time. - AS Crypt
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SMUTILS 2.0 Publisher's Software
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