docUment 1.03
Publisher: MH Software
File size: 1.50MB
OS: Windows XP, 2000, 98, Me, NT
Date added: 2009-10-27
Category: PDF & Files
docUment 1.03 Description
"Track and document all your files, and monitor changes with ease!"
BS Editor: docUment is designed to provide accurate and detailed information on all the files visible to your computer. A simple explorer-like interface displays the file Details, including information such as version numbers, and can be both filtered and sorted by any attribute. The displayed files can be also be recursive, where files in sub-folders are also shown in the list. All the information can be exported to a .csv file for printing or importing to another application. The details can also be saved to a 'results' file which can be viewed at a later date. docUment can also compare a saved results file either to another results file or the current results for the same search, and display all changes and differences, a major feature of interest to network administrators and computer support staff. you can free download docUment 1.03 now.
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