Free CommuniCrypt QuickHasher 1.00 Download
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CommuniCrypt QuickHasher 1.00 Download

CommuniCrypt QuickHasher 1.00

License: Freeware Free
Publisher: CommuniCrypt Software
File size: 918KB
OS: Windows 2000, XP, 2003
Date added: 2009-10-27
Category: Security

CommuniCrypt QuickHasher 1.00 Description

"File hashing/verifying Tool w. SHA-2 256 Bit. See website"

BSEditor: With CommuniCrypt QuickHasher you can create a Hash value of a file or verify the authenticity of a file with an existing hash value. QuickHasher uses the Modern SHA-2 Hash with 256 bit. The outdated MD5 is not supported. Requires VB6 runtime! you can free download CommuniCrypt QuickHasher 1.00 now.

CommuniCrypt QuickHasher 1.00 Keywords

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