WBIAS 0.81
Publisher: Well Being
File size: 287KB
OS: Windows Vista, XP, 2000, 98, Me
Date added: 2009-10-27
Homepage: http://members.fortunecity.com/wbias/
Category: MP3 & Audio
WBIAS 0.81 Description
"WBIAS is a freeware program designed to split your audio files easily"
BSEditor: WBIAS is a freeware program designed to split your audio files easily. You can play / pause / stop and scan to any point of your audio file you want. When you're at the point you want to cut, simply click a button and WBIAS will automatically cut your audio file for you.
The main features of WBIAS include :-
* The ability to Split MP3/ac3/wav/mp1/mp2 files (thanks to DSPguru for BeSplit, at http://www.fortunecity.com/banners/interstitial.html?http://besplit.doom9.org/)
* Automatically repairs any errors in files that are generated
* Has a user interface Similar to Winamp for easy Playback
* Does not need to re-encode your audio file (ie. maintains quality and is very quick) you can free download WBIAS 0.81 now.
WBIAS 0.81 Keywords
WBIAS 0.81 Related Software
WBIAS is a freeware program designed to split your audio files easily
WBIAS 0.81 Publisher's Software
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