USHIELDS Dialershield 1.0
File size: 787KB
OS: Windows XP, 2000
Date added: 2009-10-27
Category: Security
USHIELDS Dialershield 1.0 Description
"Hackers have developed sophisticated programs that can infiltrate your computer"
Hackers have developed sophisticated programs that can infiltrate your computer without your knowledge and take over your modem. Once this software gets imbedded in your computer it makes International calls to telephone numbers in countries located in Africa, Asia and elsewhere.
Not only are these calls very expensive for you, sometimes running into the thousands of dollars or more, but often times the computer on the other end of the call will download more Spyware, Adware, Trojan Horses and viruses to your computer.
And there's nothing that you can do about it unless you take the time right now to install Ushields. It's your best hope against combating the International Dialer Attack.
Here's what Dialershield does...
Notifies you any time changes are made to the Windows phonebook.
Notifies you every time your modem attempts to dial a call. You decide how to handle the call: (Allow, Deny, Allow Always, Deny Always.
Checks and reports suspicious numbers that it finds in your Windows Phone Book including alternate numbers.
Saves the information about the program that initiated the call to a special evidence folder so you can INVESTigate further.
Lets you White/Blacklist numbers.
Periodically (or on demand) checks the Windows Phonebook for suspicious numbers and allows you to delete delete them.
Lets you import public lists of known bad numbers and add them to your Blacklist.
Logs activity to screen and/or file.
Optionally permits disabling of Automatic dial-up. you can free download USHIELDS Dialershield 1.0 now.
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Protect your computer from dangerous threats that every computer faces - USHIELDS Dialershield
Hackers have developed sophisticated programs that can infiltrate your computer
USHIELDS Dialershield 1.0 Publisher's Software
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