Free UML2ClearQuest 2.0.1 Download
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UML2ClearQuest 2.0.1 Download

UML2ClearQuest 2.0.1

License: Shareware $1200
Publisher: CM-Consult
File size: 549KB
OS: Windows Vista, 2003, XP, 2000, 98
Date added: 2009-10-27
Category: Development

UML2ClearQuest 2.0.1 Description

"Export UML state charts to ClearQuest Designer"

BSEditor: The purpose of this application is to ease the process of programming ClearQuest Designer's state transitions Matrix for change requests. UML2ClearQuest can export UML state charts to ClearQuest Designer, which makes for a simple visual design process. This module enables for automatic state chart transformations to ClearQuest Designer’s state transition matrix for a certain entity (change request) and is distributed in two flavors, for different platforms:
As a plug-in for IBM Rational Software Architect
As an external application, which takes UML diagrams (in Visio & StarUML format), and converts them to ClearQuest’s state machine.
When exporting, UML diagrams are checked for compliancy with ClearQuest: since it's state transition matrix places several constraints on it's states and transitions, not all UML diagrams are valid. The export process is configurable; you can, for example, choose to create a new entity in the database, or change an existing one to match your UML diagram. If the export process was successful, your schema will increase it's version by one, and the entity will have been successfully added to your schema.
The external application works with Visio 2003 and StarUML diagrams . For Visio 2003, the following XML formats are supported:
XML Drawing (*.vdx).
XML Stencil (*.vsx).
XML Template (*.vtx).
For StarUML the following format is supported:
StarUML Project File (*.uml). you can free download UML2ClearQuest 2.0.1 now.

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