Free TVedia 4.2 Download
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TVedia 4.2 Download

TVedia 4.2

License: Shareware $34.95
Publisher: Dimensions International
File size: 15.36MB
OS: Windows Vista, XP, 2000
Date added: 2009-10-27
Category: DVD & Video

TVedia 4.2 Description

"TVedia is the next generation networked Media Center PC software."

Editor: TVedia is the next generation networked Media Center PC software. TVedia turns your ordinary Windows PC into a feature packed media center with stunning graphics and powerful Media Library management functions. Using TVedia, you can access content on Digital Media Server; you can play online photo slideshow on Flickr, stream online radio from Live365, or stream online video from YouTube, Google Video, or Metacafe. Not even Microsoft's Windows Media Center edition can do this, not to mention that you don't need to purchase a new Media Center PC.

Here are some highlights of TVedia media center software
Flash like 10-ft media center user interface enhances your media center experience without 3D graphics card requirement.
Got a million songs? No problem! Managing large media center collection has never been easier.
Networked media center allows you to access the media whenever and wherever you want.
You can now consolidate all your purchased music, because TVedia is the first media center software that supports playback of both Windows Media DRM and iTunes Music Store purchased music.
Searching and streaming online video from YouTube and Google Video, and display other online digital media on your Media Center PC, just like content on your hard drive.
XML+JavaScript based Open source media center front-end gives do-it-yourself Media Center PC enthusiasts complete control. you can free download TVedia 4.2 now.

TVedia 4.2 Keywords

TVedia 4.2 Related Software

  • TVedia
    TVedia is the next generation networked Media Center PC software.
  • TVedia
    TVedia is the next generation networked Media Center PC software.

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