Free Time Download
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Time Download


License: Shareware $5
Publisher: Silicon Surfer Software
File size: 470KB
OS: Windows XP
Date added: 2009-10-27
Category: Desktop Utilities

Time Description

"allows you to easily convert between your local time and Internet Time."

Editor: The Internet Time Converter allows you to easily convert Between your local time and Internet Time.
Internet Time was developed by the Swatch watch Company as a Standard Time measurement for the Internet.
It has two main features:
1.Each day is divided into 1000 "beats". Each beat is just over a minute and a half long.
2.Internet time is the same anywhere on Earth. There are no time zones.
The idea is that we can now "synchronize our watches" and meet with friends from all over the internet at an easy to agree on time. For example, maybe you want to go hacking and slashing with your band of adventurers at 500 beats (@500 for short). Wow, that was easy. No more giving out 5 different times for 5 different time zones!...
Wait a minute... just when is @500 anyway???
Ah, glad you asked, it's easy, really... Umm... well, it's not too hard...
OK, what's your time zone? Let's pretend you live on the east coast of the US, so you use EST. Unless it's Daylight Savings Time... hmm... let's just forget about daylight savings time for now. So, you use EST. That means you are 5 hours behind GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). So... if it's 12:00PM (noon) in Geenwich, it's 7:00AM where you are! Good!
We're getting warmer. Now, 5 hours is about a quarter of a day so you are about 250 beats behind because there are 1000 beats in a full day. So if it's 7AM for you, it must be noon in Greenwich which is 500 beats (noon -- half way through the day). So at 7AM its 500 beats everywhere. So if someone wants you to be on-line at 500 beats that's about 7AM for you. Well, it's not exactly 7AM because 5 hours isn't exactly 6 hours which is 1/4 of a day or 250 beats...
OK, we fibbed, it IS 250 beats because Internet Time is based on the time in Biel Switzerland (BMT), NOT Greenwich. Why?! 'Cause Swatch is based in Biel, go figure.
Don't know about you, but all of this gives us a headache!
Internet Time is a good idea. If we could just use it! Well, now we can, with the Internet...... you can free download Internet Time Converter 1.7.1 now.

Time Keywords

internet time

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