Texas Pete Poker 1.3
Publisher: bluestretch
File size: 519KB
OS: Windows Vista, 2003, XP, 2000, 98, Me, NT
Date added: 2009-10-27
Homepage: http://www.bluestretch.com/index.htm
Category: Home & Education
Texas Pete Poker 1.3 Description
"A Realtime Texas Hold'em Poker Calculator"
Editor: Texas Pete Poker allows you to watch your odds unfold as a hand progresses. It sets up a table of players and displays your odds in real time as you enter bets and the cards that are laid . By using a powerful Monte Carlo simulator tens of thousands of potential hands are played out to evaluate the odds and the conditional odds of 1 or more other players folding. No longer do you have to grapple with a complicated calculator while the game has already finished!
The table is now displayed.
The first column contains the hole cards, the next the Flop and so on.
Your odds are displayed in yellow underneath the current round.
The odds above show how much of an improvement you gain through one of more players folding.
The pot is then split out below with the current stake in green and each player's contribution.
You will be prompted to enter your hole cards after the blinds are added.
The format is pairs of characters for each card. The first the face value and the second the suit.
'2'-'9' are the values 2-9, 'j' = Jack, 'q' = Queen, 'k' = King and 'a' = Ace.
The suits are: 'c' = Clubs, 'h' = Hearts, 'd' = Diamonds and 's' = Spades.
In this example we've been dealt the three of spades and the queen of hearts. you can free download Texas Pete Poker 1.3 now.
Texas Pete Poker 1.3 Keywords
Texas Pete Poker 1.3 Related Software
- Texas Pete Poker
A Realtime Texas Hold'em Poker Calculator
Texas Pete Poker 1.3 Publisher's Software
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