Take5 1.30
Publisher: CellSoft
File size: 1.02MB
OS: Windows Vista, XP
Date added: 2009-10-27
Homepage: http://users.skynet.be/cellsoft/take5/
Category: Photograph & Graphics
Take5 1.30 Description
"Take5 is a stop motion and animation program for beginners and pros alike."
BS Editor: Take5 is a stop motion and penciltest program for beginners and pros alike. Originally developed as a penciltest program, Take5 has evolved into a high quality animation Capture and editing tool. It is used to produce object animations and other direct under the camera animation techniques such as oil paint and sand animation. Take5 supports webcams, analog and digital video cameras, including high resolution cameras. Onion-skinning and live/stored looping are available while animating, as well as video noise reduction. Editing the animation is easy and fast using a Frame accurate xsheet. This feature sets it apart from many other Similar programs and is normally only found in dedicated penciltest systems. Multiple audio tracks can be added, edited and played along with the animation, all in realtime without the need for any rendering. you can free download Take5 1.30 now.
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