Free StretchWare 1.1.2 Download
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StretchWare 1.1.2 Download

StretchWare 1.1.2

License: Shareware $24.95
Publisher: Shelter Publications, Inc.
File size: 1.89MB
OS: Windows Vista, 2003, XP, 2000, NT
Date added: 2009-10-27
Category: Home & Education

StretchWare 1.1.2 Description

"StretchWare is software that reminds you to stretch while working at your PC."

EditByBSEditor: StretchWare is software that reminds you to stretch while working at your computer.
The Problem:
If you work at a computer, there is a good chance you will eventually suffer from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, along with back pain, stiff muscles, tight joints, tension and stress. Every day millions of workers feel the aches and pains brought on by long hours while sitting at a desk using a computer.
Repetitive strain injuries (RSI) have risen 80% since 1990, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. And while ergonomics are essential in the workplace, our bodies still suffer from long periods of sitting and inactivity.
To address and combat the growing problem of workplace injuries, OSHA has recommended taking stretching breaks - a simple activity that can make you feel better. However, most people will not make the time to take a stretching break - they need to be reminded to stretch.
The Solution:
STRETCHWARE is the ergonomic software that reminds you to stretch, developed by stretching expert Bob Anderson, author of the best-selling fitness book, Stretching.
STRETCHWARE can be tailored to meet each individual's work situation and personal requirements. Users set up the software to remind them to stretch with a sound (such as Tibetan bell, clock, or harp), a flashing icon on the computer screen and/or a window that appears throughout the day.
Preferences are also set to determine how often the user wants to be reminded to stretch (for example, every hour, half hour, or 20 minutes; after a set number of keystrokes; or at a certain hour of the day). you can free download StretchWare 1.1.2 now.

StretchWare 1.1.2 Keywords

StretchWare 1.1.2 Related Software

  • StretchWare
    StretchWare is software that reminds you to stretch while working at your PC.
  • StretchWare
    StretchWare is software that reminds you to stretch while working at your PC.

StretchWare 1.1.2 Publisher's Software

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