Free StarTap 4.93.05 Download
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StarTap 4.93.05 Download

StarTap 4.93.05

License: Freeware Free
Publisher: thumbsupsoft
File size: 1.3MB
OS: Windows CE
Date added: 2009-10-27
Category: Internet

StarTap 4.93.05 Description

"A more Windows 95 look and feel to the Palm PC"

BS Editor: Have you ever wanted a more Windows 95 look and feel to the Palm PC? You'll find it in StarTap! Icons, shortcuts, folders on the desktop, drag and drop organization, it's all here.
If you're like me, you've collected a LOT of programs, documents, and whatnot on your palmtop. Starting and stopping those programs, and switching Between them, has always been a weak point. Not with StarTap!

Create a shortcut for, say, Calendar (with an icon with a name beneath it, just like you're familiar with), create a folder (like "Tools"), then drag the shortcut into the folder. Now, tap on the folder. It opens, showing the Calendar shortcut you just dropped into it. Tap on the shortcut, and the Calendar program runs.

Now, go back to StarTap (select it from the Start Menu again). Open the "special" folder, Tasks. There you'll find all the programs that are currently running on your machine, including the Calendar program we just launched, displayed like shortcuts (with icons and names). Tap on one to switch to it, or tap on Delete and then the icon to Shut It down.

All pretty ordinary stuff, for a desktop, but it's revolutionary for a palmtop! AND it's all "finger friendly." You can start, stop, and switch among programs without ever pulling out the stylus. All the shortcuts and buttons are easy to hit reliably with a finger tip (this doesn't apply to the toolbar that's used for the setup and maintenance of StarTap, but for regular use it's slick!).

As a matter of fact, if you assign a button to "StarTasks", you can bring up StarTap with the Tasks folder already open. One button press to see the tasks, then tap on the one you want to switch to and you're there. Two presses and you didn't have to use the stylus! Of course, if you do have the stylus in your hand, you can use the StarTap icon down in the Taskbar. Switch among tasks, shut 'em down, or bring up the main StarTap screen with just a couple of taps. you can free download StarTap 4.93.05 now.

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