Free SQLite Expert 1.7.13 Download
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SQLite Expert 1.7.13 Download

SQLite Expert 1.7.13

License: Shareware $59
Publisher: Bogdan Ureche
File size: 5.06MB
OS: Windows Vista, 2003, XP, 2000
Date added: 2009-10-27
Category: Internet

SQLite Expert 1.7.13 Description

"Visual tool that enables you to easily administer your SQLite3 databases."

Edit By BS Editor: SQLite Expert is a powerful visual tool that enables you to easily administer your SQLite3 databases and gain significantly better visibility into how your databases are operating. SQLite Expert integrates database management and maintenance into a single, seamless environment, with a clear and intuitive graphical user interface.

Features and Benefits
By using SQLite Expert you will be able to:

Edit tables and views visually, without writing a line of SQL. Easily restructure fields, indexes, constraints, triggers without losing data already existing in the tables.
Build SQL scripts and generate views visually using the integrated Query Builder.
Create SQLite3 databases, view and change database parameters, check database integrity and vacuum (compact) databases.
Easily transfer data Between SQLite databases, import data from SQL scripts or ADO data sources, or export to SQL scripts.
Display and edit data in the Grid, including BLOB and image fields. Currently supports BMP, JPG and PNG image formats. BLOB fields can be edited with the integrated Hex editor.
Execute SQL queries and display results in the grid or as text. you can free download SQLite Expert 1.7.13 now.

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