Free SQL Wizard for RapidQ 0.8.9 Download
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SQL Wizard for RapidQ 0.8.9 Download

SQL Wizard for RapidQ 0.8.9

License: Freeware Free
Publisher: Byron Herrera Silencesoft
File size: 723KB
OS: Windows XP, 2000, 98, Me
Date added: 2009-10-27
Category: Development

SQL Wizard for RapidQ 0.8.9 Description

"Create console, GUI, and CGI applications."

BS Editor: pidQ is a free, cross-platform, semi-object-oriented BASIC programming language. It can create console, GUI, and CGI applications. The IDE includes a drag-and-drop Form Designer, syntax highlighting and single button compilation.
Programming with RapidQ offers a balanced combination of ease and power. Simple GUI programming can be accomplished with very few lines of code. Additional functionality, not normally seen in BASIC, are function callbacks, and primitive object-orientation. The language is called semi-object-oriented by its author because there are only two levels of class hierarchy: built-in classes, and user-defined classes derived from those; the latter cannot be extended further. The ability to call external shared libraries is available, thus giving full access to underlying system API. Other capabilities include built-in interfaces to DirectX and MySQL. All in all, RapidQ is a good example of proper application of the BASIC language design principles.
Versions are available for Microsoft Windows, Linux, Solaris, and HP-UX. you can free download SQL Wizard for RapidQ 0.8.9 now.

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