Free SQL Tester 1.1 Download
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SQL Tester 1.1 Download

SQL Tester 1.1

License: Commercial $33 Buy Now
Publisher: XL-Dennis
File size: 598KB
OS: Windows XP, 2000
Date added: 2009-10-27
Category: Business

SQL Tester 1.1 Description

"The tool for retrieving data from databases and putting it into MS Excel"

Edit By BS Editor: The SQL Tester is an interactive Query Tool (add-in) for retrieving data and displaying it on the screen in an ad hoc basis from almost all kinds of databases. The output can be placed in worksheets and added to workbooks VBA-projects.

It also allows you to:

* Copy the displayed data into a worksheet including connection-string and query-string

* Create dynamic queries where the data can be updated on a regular basis.

* Insert a complete VBA-procedure which is based on the query and the database-connection.

* Easily create queries by selecting keywords, names of tables and columns from user-friendly forms.

* Create, test and export the queries to the clipboard or to textfiles.

* Import queries from textfiles and have them executed.

* Work with disconnected records.

* Get more accurate and higher quality of the retrieved data compared to MS Query.

* An extensive helpfile is available.

* The best part is that You are not bound to the databases tools & windows!
you can free download SQL Tester 1.1 now.

SQL Tester 1.1 Keywords

sql tester

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