POV-Ray for Mac 3.6.1
Publisher: povray.org
File size: 9.12MB
OS: Mac OS X
Date added: 2009-10-27
Homepage: http://www.povray.org
Category: Photograph & Graphics
POV-Ray for Mac 3.6.1 Description
"a high-quality, totally free tool for creating stunning 3D graphics."
EditBy: The Persistence of Vision Ray-Tracer creates three-dimensional, photo-realistic images using a rendering technique called ray-tracing. It reads in a text file containing information describing the objects and lighting in a scene and generates an image of that scene from the view point of a camera also described in the text file. Ray-tracing is not a fast process by any means, but it produces very high quality images with realistic reflections, shading, perspective and other effects. you can free download POV-Ray for Mac 3.6.1 now.
POV-Ray for Mac 3.6.1 Keywords
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A high-quality, totally free tool for creating stunning 3D graphics. - POV-Ray for Mac
a high-quality, totally free tool for creating stunning 3D graphics. - POV-Ray
A high-quality, totally free tool for creating stunning 3D graphics.
POV-Ray for Mac 3.6.1 Publisher's Software
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