NLauncher 1.6
Publisher: CrispyBytes Development
File size: 1.71MB
OS: Windows XP, 2000, 98, Me, NT
Date added: 2009-10-27
Category: Desktop Utilities
NLauncher 1.6 Description
"NLauncher offers direct, one-click access to any program, folder, file or URL."
Edit By BS Editor: NLauncher is a simple, easy to use, fully skinnable Program Launcher. The program helps to free the desktop from numerous icons, folders, and files by moving them to the NLauncher start panel. This panel automatically hides when it is inactive and pops up when the user points to the area where it is located. In addition to programs, NLauncher can be used to launch URLs, Control Panel items, and send e-mails to any specified address. All items on the NLauncher start panel can be accessed in one easy mouse click.
The NLauncher start panel may be placed on the left or right side of the desktop or split into two Similar panels and placed on both sides of the desktop. The start panel has a three-level structure and consists of single items and groups of items that form icon bars. While a single item expands the current icon bar, a group of items always starts the next-level icon bar. An icon bar can be built simply by dragging any selected item from the desktop or the Explorer window onto the NLauncher panel. Any item can be easily configured via the contextual menu which can be accessed by right-clicking on the appropriate icon. Users can customize such item properties as type, object, argument, work path, tool tip, run mode, and select any icon from the icons library.
One-side or two-side pop-up NLauncher start panels
One-click access to any user-defined program, folder, file, Control Panel item, URL, and e-mail address
The 3-level structure of the NLauncher icon bars
Drag-and-drop support
Easy configuration of any icon bar item
16x16 and 32x32 resolution icons
The events sound is available
Skin Chooser plus support for Transparency and Drop Shadow effects in Windows 2000/XP
Available for Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP you can free download NLauncher 1.6 now.
NLauncher 1.6 Keywords
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