Net Usage Item 1.2.199
Publisher: Netusage
File size: 79KB
OS: Windows Vista, 2003, XP, 2000, 98, Me, NT
Date added: 2009-10-27
Category: Utilities
Net Usage Item 1.2.199 Description
"The Net Usage provide internet usage indicators for the Firefox browser."
Edit by : The Net Usage Project is aimed at providing internet usage indicators for the Firefox browser. It works by fetching numbers from an XML feed or usage web page provided by the ISP.
This project is targetted towards Australian Broadband Users whose broadband connections are encumbered with download (and sometimes upload) limits. However, this meter can be adapted for any country's ISP who provides a XML usage data feed. you can free download Net Usage Item 1.2.199 now.
Net Usage Item 1.2.199 Related Software
- Net Usage Item
The Net Usage provide internet usage indicators for the Firefox browser.
Net Usage Item 1.2.199 Publisher's Software
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