Free MyFlashCard 1.1 Download
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MyFlashCard 1.1 Download

MyFlashCard 1.1

License: Freeware Free
Publisher: Integritas Technologies
File size: 21KB
OS: Windows XP
Date added: 2009-10-27
Category: Home & Education

MyFlashCard 1.1 Description

"An application to help learning foreign languages or anything else."

EditBy: An application to help learning foreign languages or anything else. Create a set of cards using XML and let this program shuffle the cards and ask you for the answers. I created it using .Net Compact Framework. In fact I wanted to learn a bit about this framework to help me compare it to J2ME. I'll put a J2ME version of this application any time soon. you can free download MyFlashCard 1.1 now.

MyFlashCard 1.1 Keywords

MyFlashCard 1.1 Related Software

  • MyFlashCard for PPC
    An application to help learning foreign languages or anything else for PPC.
  • MyFlashCard
    An application to help learning foreign languages or anything else.
  • MyFlashCard
    An application to help learning foreign languages or anything else.
  • MyFlashCard for PPC
    An application to help learning foreign languages or anything else for PPC.

MyFlashCard 1.1 Publisher's Software

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