Free MovieLauncher 1.01 Download
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MovieLauncher 1.01 Download

MovieLauncher 1.01

License: Freeware Free
File size: 903 KB
OS: Windows Vista, 2003, XP, 2000, 98
Date added: 2009-10-27
Category: DVD & Video

MovieLauncher 1.01 Description

"starts a movie from a CD without any user action other than inserting it."

EditByBSEditor: MovieLauncher auto starts a movie from a CD without any user action other than inserting it. Everything that may be needed to play the most common video files is installed without the user noticing.

Why should I use it?
Do you often give your CDs to some of your friends to watch them and they aren't geeks like you? Then MovieLauncher will install all codecs necessary to play the most common video formats - DivX 3-5, XVid, the MS MPEG codecs and AC3 audio. It's also much more comfortable - and cooler - when your movies start right away. Plus CDs which use MovieLauncher have a very nice icon :-)

How do I use it?
When you burn a movie on CD, just copy the two files "AutoRun.inf" and "MovieLauncher.exe" from one of the directories to the root directory of your CD. Make sure any movies you want to have available for auto launching are also in the root dir.
Next time when you insert the CD, the movie on it will automatically be played. If there's more than one movie on your CD, a small dialog will pop up to ask you which of the files you'd like to play.

Why two versions?
As you can see, there are two directories, containing a big and a small version of MovieLauncher. The big one installs The Codecs just as described above. The small one doesn't contain any codecs and only launches the movies. You can use it when you're running out of space on a CD or when you're sure the user who watches the movies has already installed the codecs or may want to deal with them on his or her own.

What exactly is installed?
When MovieLauncher is run, it checks if the necessary codecs are installed. If not, it installs ffdshow and AC3Filter.
These are two great open source packages you should be able to comfortably play any movie file you encounter (apart from QuickTime and Real Player, which need their own proprietary players).
If you don't want one of the packages anymore, you may uninstall them using "Add / Remove Software" from the Windows Control Panel. you can free download MovieLauncher 1.01 now.

MovieLauncher 1.01 Keywords

MovieLauncher 1.01 Related Software

  • MovieLauncher
    starts a movie from a CD without any user action other than inserting it.

MovieLauncher 1.01 Publisher's Software

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