Free MindPal FlashCards 1.0 Download
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MindPal FlashCards 1.0 Download

MindPal FlashCards 1.0

License: Freeware Free
Publisher: MindPal LLC
File size: 258KB
OS: Windows 2003, XP, 2000, 98, NT
Date added: 2009-10-27
Category: Home & Education

MindPal FlashCards 1.0 Description

"View and interact with a variety of flashcards."

Edit by : View and interact with FlashCards online. Flashcards cover a variety of subjects for variety of ages. New flashcard sets are continuously being added. There is an optional timer & stopwatch. Flashcards can be displayed in sequential, random or alphabetical order. Many flashcards include pictures and sound. Excellent for home schooling and test preparation. At, you can sign up for a free membership to easily create your own flashcards with the online tools. There are 14 types of flashcards available(ex. one-sided study, two-sided study, spelling, fill in the blank, Multiple Choice, etc.) Using the export and share feature, you can even sell flashcards that you have created and make money (


An optional timer can be set to advance to the next flashcard after a set number of seconds.
An optional stopwatch can be used to time how long it takes to get through the entire flashcard set.
Most flashcard sets can be displayed in either sequential, random or Alphabetical/Numerical order.
A custom FlashCard browser to view FlashCards can be downloaded.
Clean Look - The browser has a clean, uncluttered look with few buttons and you never have to worry about unwelcome pop ups.
Using the FlashCard browser for the first time - There is nothing to install and it is guaranteed not to have any viruses or spyware. You can either download and save the program or just run it from the Download screen.
Desktop Shortcut - You can download MyFlashCards.exe and place it on your desktop or create a shortcut to it on your desktop. Once you log in the first time, every subsequent time you click on MyFlashCards you will be taken directly to your FlashCards start page. You can also download MindPalFlashCards.exe to go directly to MindPal's flashcards.
Requires IE to be installed on your system, although it does not need to be your default browser.
Browsers currently supported: IE and Firefox. you can free download MindPal FlashCards 1.0 now.

MindPal FlashCards 1.0 Keywords

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