MeshWorks for Rhino 1.0
Publisher: Floating Point Solutions Private Limited
File size: 27KB
OS: Windows 98, ME, NT 4.x, 2000, XP
Date added: 2009-10-27
Category: Photograph & Graphics
MeshWorks for Rhino 1.0 Description
"MeshWorks for Rhino - Mesh manipulation commands for Rhino"
BSEditor: MeshWorks for Rhino is a plug-in for Rhino. It adds a variety of mesh manipulation commands to Rhino. Some of the useful commands are given below: Hollow: This command hollows the mesh to a given wall thickness. Hollowing is particularly useful while preparing a model for Rapid Prototyping as it saves material, time and money while building a prototype.Offset: This command offsets a mesh to either shrink or expand it.PointsToMesh: This command creates a mesh from a set of points.Stitch: This command knits loosely tied faces of a mesh and attempts to make a mesh water-tight.FillHoles: This command adds faces to an existing mesh in order to fill any holes. The result is a water-tight mesh.ExtractSolid: This command extracts a solid from a mesh.ExtractPlanarSurfaces: This command extracts a planar trimmed NURBS surface from a mesh.ExtractShells: This command extracts connected surfaces from a single mesh and creates a new mesh for each connected surface. This is useful while working on different parts of a mesh.ExtractSurfaces: This command extracts surfaces of a mesh and creates a new mesh for each surface.ExtractFeatures: This command extracts features of a mesh. This is useful to create a NURBS model from a polygon mesh.ExtractBoundaries: This command extracts the boundaries of an open mesh.SplitMesh: This command splits a mesh with a planar surface into two parts.Smoothen: This command relaxes a mesh by removing sharp edges.Decimate: This command reduces the number of faces of a mesh while maintaining continuity in the topology.MeshWorks for Rhino adds a new menu to the existing Rhino menu containing all the added commands. Simply use this menu to manipulate meshes. you can free download MeshWorks for Rhino 1.0 now.
MeshWorks for Rhino 1.0 Keywords
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