launchTunes 1.1
Publisher: Shirt Pocket
File size: 821KB
OS: Mac OS X
Date added: 2009-10-27
Category: Internet
launchTunes 1.1 Description
"When you launch iTunes, launchTunes springs into action, automatically starting."
BSEditor: Although iTunes 4.0 finally introduced Bonjour-based Music Library sharing, it came with one significant caveat: if iTunes isn't running, your music isn't available.
Enter launchTunes!
When you launch iTunes, launchTunes springs into action, automatically starting iTunes on the Macintosh servers of your choice!
No more hunting for the iTunes server, no more locked offices or dorm rooms preventing access, no more suppressed resentment and Rage (not to mention unnecessary walking): it's all handled for you, minus the rage and resentment, through the magic of Rendezvous.
Exclusively for Mac OS X
Like its sister program netTunes, launchTunes takes full advantage of Mac OS X. It's controlled through a standard Preference Pane, and makes extensive use of Bonjour. you can free download launchTunes 1.1 now.
launchTunes 1.1 Keywords
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launchTunes 1.1 Publisher's Software
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