Free IPNetShareX 1.0c5 Download
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IPNetShareX 1.0c5 Download

IPNetShareX 1.0c5

License: Shareware $25
Publisher: Sustainable Softworks
File size: 270KB
OS: Mac OS X
Date added: 2009-10-27
Category: Utilities

IPNetShareX 1.0c5 Description

"IPNetSentryX is an advanced firewall intrusion detector."

EditByBSEditor: IPNetSentryX is an advanced firewall intrusion detector that includes bandwidth allocation, bandwidth accounting, Ethernet bridging, AirPort configuration, and detailed logging. IPNetSentryX supplements and is fully compatible with Apple's own firewall in OSX while providing additional capability to solve network problems users may encounter.

Unlike most other Internet security products, IPNetSentryX offers basic Protection without erecting barriers for the safe use of your Internet connection. There is no need to "punch holes" in a firewall for specific applications you may wish to run. Instead, IPNetSentryX silently and intelligently watches for suspicious behavior, and when triggered, invokes a solid filter which completely bans the potential intruder from your Macintosh. The advantage is you don't need a network expert to configure your firewall or debug compatibility conflicts.

Beyond this basic protection, IPNetSentryX offers unprecedented flexibility for specifying what traffic to allow on your network and responding to network events. you can free download IPNetShareX 1.0c5 now.

IPNetShareX 1.0c5 Keywords

netshare, net share

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