Impulse Responder 00.02.03
Publisher: IpsoLogic
File size: 1.11MB
OS: Windows XP, Me
Date added: 2009-10-27
Category: MP3 & Audio
Impulse Responder 00.02.03 Description
"Impulse response is a very widely used technique in Digital Signal Processing."
Edit by : Impulse response is a very widely used technique in Digital Signal Processing (DSP), which is based on a concept of a weighted moving average of sample values. Firstly a quick overview. In a very simple application, you may start with a certain sound in digital form, and average successive sample values with their immediately previous neighbors, using two coefficients, that is impulses, of 0.5. This series of impulses is known either as an impulse train or as a kernel. The result for each average is then written to the output as sample data. The kernel is then moved along by one sample and you start again. The resulting output will be a wave that is like the original except of a smoother shape, and when played will sound like the original, except that it will be missing some of its top-end treble. What we have here is a very simple Low Pass Filter (LPF) that uses a Finite Impulse Response (FIR) model. This will be the effect of having both impulses with the same sign, and the result is the same as a cheap analog filter. you can free download Impulse Responder 00.02.03 now.
Impulse Responder 00.02.03 Keywords
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Impulse response is a very widely used technique in Digital Signal Processing.
Impulse Responder 00.02.03 Publisher's Software
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