Free HebCalendar for Mac 2.1 Download
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HebCalendar for Mac 2.1 Download

HebCalendar for Mac 2.1

License: Others $12
Publisher: Shimmy Trencher
File size: 159KB
OS: Mac OS 9
Date added: 2009-10-27
Category: Home & Education

HebCalendar for Mac 2.1 Description

"HebCalendar is a Hebrew calendar program for Windows and Macintosh computers."

EditBy: With HebCalendar, you can:
Show a Hebrew (lunar) or English (civil) calendar for a given month (Civil, 1700-2240; Hebrew, 5460-6000), complete with holidays and Parshiot (weekly Torah Portions).
Show a list of Jewish holidays for any Hebrew year, 5460 to 6000, and view their corresponding civil dates.
Convert a date from Hebrew to English and vice versa.
Display sunrise, SUNSET, and a list of "Zmanim" (times relevant to Jewish law) for any day from 1801-2099. (PC Version: You can enter latitude, longitude, and time zone, or select from a list of 722 U.S. cities. Mac Version: Zmanim are computed based on the settings in the Map and Date/Time Control Panels.)
Mac Version: Display detailed information about a given Hebrew year.
Export calendars, holiday lists, Zmanim tables, and year info windows as text or HTML files, as well as EMF (Enhanced Windows Metafiles) on the PC or PICT files on the Mac.
Other features include printing of calendars, holiday lists, and Zmanim tables, copy to clipboard (as EMF on PC and PICT on Mac), and "smart" calculation of Shabbat candle-lighting times. The PC Version includes a customizable toolbar. you can free download HebCalendar for Mac 2.1 now.

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