Free GISEYE QuickLook Generator 1.0 Download
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GISEYE QuickLook Generator 1.0 Download

GISEYE QuickLook Generator 1.0

License: Freeware Free
Publisher: RDC ScanEx
File size: 21.14MB
OS: Windows Vista, XP, 2000
Date added: 2009-10-27
Category: Photograph & Graphics

GISEYE QuickLook Generator 1.0 Description

"Software for generation quicklooks and to store them in tiff format."

BS Editor: GISEYE QuickLook Generator application has been designed to generate reduced-size images (quick-looks) and to store them in tiff format.

The application has the following advantages:

* Support of popular formats of source images
* Wide range of compression types and image interpolation
* Different types of color composites and raster byte allocation
* Creation of pyramidal quick-looks
* Quick-looks generation process control
* Quick-looks Batch generation
GISEYE QuickLook Generator dialog includes group of elements for creation of input files and parameters of quick-look being created and the window with the output information, where data about quick-look creation process is displayed.

The dialog window also contains a set of functional buttons to start quick-looks creation process and to save application operations log.

Control elements to create input files

Files, for which quicklooks will be created, are put into the Input Files list. To add a raster file in the list it is required to press “Add” and select the raster files from the folder of interest using standard file selection dialog.

To delete a raster files from the list, select the required files with the left mouse button and press “Remove” button.
Control elements to set quicklook parameters

The path to the folder, where quicklooks for selected images will be created, is specified in Out Path field. The path to the folder of interest can be entered manually or using «…» button which opens the standard folder selection dialog.

Additional Parameters group of elements includes elements for image compression parameters setup during quicklooks creation.

In Resampling Algorithm drop-down list box the user needs to select the interpolation type during compression that will be used in quicklook creation.

In GeoTIFF Compression drop-down list box the compression type in GeoTIFF file is setup. you can free download GISEYE QuickLook Generator 1.0 now.

GISEYE QuickLook Generator 1.0 Keywords

GISEYE QuickLook Generator 1.0 Related Software

GISEYE QuickLook Generator 1.0 Publisher's Software

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