Free French Vocab 1.2.1 Download
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French Vocab 1.2.1 Download

French Vocab 1.2.1

License: Freeware Free
Publisher: Weight Tracker
File size: 3.36MB
OS: Mac OS X
Date added: 2009-10-27
Category: Home & Education

French Vocab 1.2.1 Description

"French Vocab was developed to be a fun way to practice your French vocabulary."

EditByBSEditor: French Vocab was developed to be a fun way to practice your French vocabulary. The built-in default list includes over 1000 French words and phrases.
Above you can see that a test is underway. The sixth French translation is "surtout" and the answer is one of the ten multiple choices shown in the drop-down menu. Note that you can play a game using just a mouse (click on the arrow to display the multiple choices, click on your choice and click on the "My Answer" button) or using just the keyboard (on a Mac, hit the Down-Arrow key to display the multiple choices, use the Down-Arrow key to Highlight your choice, hit the Enter/Return key to select your choice and hit the Enter/Return key again to enter your answer; on Windows, use Alt-Down-Arrow to display the multiple choices, use the Down-Arrow key to highlight your choice, and hit the Enter/Return key to enter your answer.)

When you click on the "Start Test" button, a French translation is selected at random from the Maintenance Window List and displayed. Your challenge is to select an English word or phrase from the drop-down menu (click on the down arrow to see the choices) and click on the "My Answer" button. If your answer is correct, you will be awarded five points and the next translation will be displayed automatically after one second. If your answer is incorrect, you will be penalized one point and the correct answer will be displayed. Click on the "Next" button to continue the test. The test is twenty translations. At the end of the test, your score is compared to scores in the High Scores windows. If your score is above zero and in the top ten scores, your name and score are added to the High Scores table. You can change a name by double-clicking the name, retyping the name and pressing the "Return" key. If you decide to clear High Scores, you are asked to verify that this was intentional.
Above you see the Maintenance window. The default list has over 1000 French words and phrases. you can free download French Vocab 1.2.1 now.

French Vocab 1.2.1 Keywords

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