Free FreePOS 1.03 Download
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FreePOS 1.03 Download

FreePOS 1.03

License: Freeware Free
File size: 83MB
OS: Windows XP, 2000
Date added: 2009-10-27
Category: Internet

FreePOS 1.03 Description

"Faster POS operation (MUCH Faster!)"

Editor: When a restaurant computerizes operations, it stands to gain some very important benefits. Orders are tracked, check totals are always correct, people work together better than before and waste is eliminated or reduced. Unfortunately, most of the POS systems on the market cost Between $15,000 and $40,000 depending on the number of terminals. At that price, computerization may not seem like a good use of working capital.

FreePOS is a software package designed for Microsoft Windows XP and Vista. It runs on almost any Modern computer and it is downloadable from this website at NO COST. It has a huge feature set that rivals packages like Micros, Digital Dining, Positouch, Silverware, Aloha, Restaurant Manager and other market leaders. FreePOS does the same thing... and it doesn't cost a dime until your business is ready to grow beyond two terminals and a back office machine. When you register FreePOS, you'll get over 50 extra features and only pay a one time fee of $99.95 per terminal. Employee scheduling
New Back Office Reporting
Faster POS operation (MUCH Faster!)
Online ordering interface for developers
Divide a check evenly by the number of guests.
Per table guest counters go up to 99 adults and 99 kids now.
Forced Items & Forced Modifiers
Automated LAN mirror backup
PABP Certified By Visa
Loyalty Module integrated with VIP and Gift Card programs
Work load balancing in the kitchen
End Of Day can be scheduled to run automatically.
Support for most 3rd party CCTV systems.
Timed Print Jobs
Printer groups
Enhanced Vista support
Updated roll printer reports
Kitchen Display & Ad Screen integration now more powerful than ever.
Fully integrated with I-Pro inventory: you can free download FreePOS 1.03 now.

FreePOS 1.03 Keywords

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  • FreePOS
    Faster POS operation (MUCH Faster!)

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