Free FileSplitter 1.05 Download
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FileSplitter 1.05 Download

FileSplitter 1.05

License: Freeware Free
Publisher: Mathimaaran
File size: 18KB
OS: Windows XP, 2000
Date added: 2009-10-27
Category: PDF & Files

FileSplitter 1.05 Description

"File splitter which can split a file in to pieces of required size."

EditByBSEditor: PESplitter is a File Splitter which can split a file in to pieces of required size.
(It can be used to split large files so that the pieces fit in a floppy .)


---> Splits Text files and Binary files.

---> Highly size optimized (exe size --9kb)

---> Checks for zero piece size

---> New icon :-)

---> Can split files with spaces and '%' in the FileNames..

Instructions for the user:

-Need not Extract the file ( do it only if u want to see the icon of the application :-) )

1. Run the application

2. Click the open button to select the file u want to split..
( if u want to split folders, first zip the folder and select the zip file )

3. Enter the piece size (default is 1400 kb {fits in a floppy} )

4. Then click split button.
If the number of pieces is greater than 5 then the application asks for confirmation.

5. Then browse for the folder in which the pieces have to be saved along with the Joiner file.

6. If the splitting is successfully done, "Splitting done" messagebox is displayed.

To join the files:

Along with the piece files , a Batch file is also created with filename, 'joinXXXXXXX.bat'
where XXXXXXXXXX is the original filename of the input file.

Run the batch file with all the piece files in the same directory as that of the batch file..

Now the piece files get joined.. you can free download FileSplitter 1.05 now.

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FileSplitter 1.05 Publisher's Software

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