Free EZBack-it-up 2.0.1 Download
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EZBack-it-up 2.0.1 Download

EZBack-it-up 2.0.1

License: Freeware Free
Publisher: Rob Decker
File size: 1.43MB
OS: Windows XP, 2000, 98, Me, NT
Date added: 2009-10-27
Category: Business

EZBack-it-up 2.0.1 Description

"EZBack-it-up is a personal file backup utility."

EditBy: EZBack-it-up is a personal file Backup Utility. It is designed to be very easy to learn and use. It is not an archival tool that compresses all your files and folders into one file, but instead, it copies your data to a destination of your choice where you can readily access your backed up files any time you need. All directory structure is preserved and you can optionally choose to delete files from the target that are not in the source. EZBack-it-up includes a built-in scheduler, command-line switches, logging functionality, and more.

Fast. Compares over 3500 files in less than 3 seconds! (1.2 GHz Athlon under XP)
Efficient. Incremental style backup - only backs up files if they were created or modified since the previous backup.
Full logging. Detailed logs provide you with peace of mind about your data's safety.
Scheduler. Built-in scheduler allows for scheduled backups. Command-line switches give additional flexibility.
Free. No nags, no registration, just free. you can free download EZBack-it-up 2.0.1 now.

EZBack-it-up 2.0.1 Keywords

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EZBack-it-up 2.0.1 Publisher's Software

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