E-ReAlm 1.0
Publisher: DoubleWedge Productions
File size: 389KB
OS: Windows Vista, 2003, XP, 2000, 98, Me, NT
Date added: 2009-10-27
Homepage: http://doublewedge.uni.cc/index.htm
Category: Desktop Utilities
E-ReAlm 1.0 Description
"E-ReAlm is an useful application that allows you to create programmed alarms."
Edit By BS Editor: E-ReAlm is an useful application that allows you to create programmed alarms to help you Remember ALL your dates and appointments. This alarms can be set to go off once only, or once a year, a month, a week, a day… at any hour of the day. You can also add a text to the alarm, as well as a sound that will be played when the alarm goes off.
The interface was designed to be the most intuitive and simple, as you can get to all options from the main window. The hidden mode and the Icon Tray menu, allow you to have E-ReAlm opened (so that alarms can go off) while you work with your computer, without having the program’s window in screen. you can free download E-ReAlm 1.0 now.
E-ReAlm 1.0 Keywords
E-ReAlm 1.0 Related Software
- E-ReAlm
E-ReAlm is an useful application that allows you to create programmed alarms.
E-ReAlm 1.0 Publisher's Software
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