Diff3-OV 0.32
Publisher: jogikuenstner
File size: 5.03MB
OS: Windows Vista, 2003, XP, 2000, 98, Me, NT
Date added: 2009-10-27
Homepage: http://diff3-ov.sourceforge.net/
Category: Photograph & Graphics
Diff3-OV 0.32 Description
"Diff3-OV is a rather simple perl-Tk script."
Edit By BS Editor: This project is a rather simple perl-Tk script which does the following:
-Walk over a given directory-tree, the so called base
-Compare the found source-code-files with the two versions derived from this base-version
show the gathered information as a graphical tree, with color-codes for the directories
-Colors used:
Green: no one changed any source-file in this directory
Yellow : we changed at least one file in this directory
Blue : "The others" changed at least one file in this directory
Orange : We as well as "the others" changed at least one file in this directory, but different files
Red : We as well as "the others" changed the same file(s) in this directory
-You can save the generated info as either PNG-Graphic-File or as DOT-File for further work
-As addition you also have the possibility to save the info as comma-seperated file (CSV) for input into e.g. a Spreadsheet
-On large source-trees the generated pictures will be rather big, so you have the possibility to bLend out:
unchanged directories
directories with changes only by us
directories with changes only by them you can free download Diff3-OV 0.32 now.
Diff3-OV 0.32 Keywords
Diff3-OV 0.32 Related Software
- Diff3-OV
Diff3-OV is a rather simple perl-Tk script.
Diff3-OV 0.32 Publisher's Software
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