Chemical Sorting Excel Add-In 1.5
Publisher: VBAExcel Solutions
File size: 97KB
OS: Windows 2003, XP, 2000, 98, Me, NT
Date added: 2009-10-27
Category: Business
Chemical Sorting Excel Add-In 1.5 Description
"ChemicalSorting is an advanced sorting Add-In tool for Microsoft Excel."
Edit By BS Editor: ChemicalSorting is an advanced sorting Add-In tool for Microsoft Excel. It has been designed especially for use with chemical names which often contain numerous symbols, numbers, font styles and single letters, all of which can cause great difficulty when it comes to sorting chemical names into logical alphabetical order.
There are several options available to you to make sorting chemical names (and indeed other text containing elements to ignore) a simple task.
To perform a sort, first click on a cell that is from the column of chemical names which you want to sort. Then click the 'ChemSort' button on the Stardard Toolbar at the top of the Microsoft Excel window. The ChemicalSorting dialog will appear with the ActiveCell set to the cell which you selected. If you made a mistake and want to change the ActiveCell, click 'Cancel', select the correct cell and then click 'ChemSort' again.
In the 'Ignoring' box you can edit the symbols and characters that you want to ignore in the sort. By default all numbers and some commonly occurring symbols in chemical names are ignored.
By default the sort also ignores italic and bold font, spaces Between words and single letters (eg the 'D' in D-lactose). You can include these items in your sort by un-checking the relevant checkbox under 'Also Ignore'. If the item is ticked then it will be ignored by the sort.
By default the sort will be returned in ascending order. To have your names sorted in descending order instead, select 'Descending' under 'Sort Order'.
By default it is assumed that your data contains a header row (a title, eg 'Compound names'). If there is no header row then select 'No header row' under 'Header Row'.
When you are ready to perform the sort, click 'OK'. The sort can take a few seconds depending on the size of your table of data. you can free download Chemical Sorting Excel Add-In 1.5 now.
Chemical Sorting Excel Add-In 1.5 Keywords
emica, excel add_in, excel add-in, sorting, chemical, excel add in
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