Free CatGrab Small 1.3.9 Download
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CatGrab Small 1.3.9 Download

CatGrab Small 1.3.9

License: Freeware Free
Publisher: CatForge
File size: 6.80MB
OS: Windows Vista, XP, 2000
Date added: 2009-10-27
Category: Photograph & Graphics

CatGrab Small 1.3.9 Description

"The convenient solution for a professionally organized photo collection. "

BS Editor: The convenient solution for a professionally organized photo collection. The transfer from the camera to the PC requires no preferences and is done with a click. CatGrab renames the image and movie files by date and time and gives your pictures a clear and unmistakable name - never again lost or incorrectly sorted photos! Because of the intuitive program design and convenient interface of the software is extremely user-friendly. It has never been easier to organize a photo collection. Other versions of the software offer advanced users a range of options to adapt the behavior of the software according to their own needs.
Import photos with a single click

One Click is all it takes with CatGrab to import files from your digital camera, automatically rotate them, sort them and open them in a Viewer.
Transparent file storage

Files are stored in a transparent directory structure. No database is needed to retrieve your images at a later date.

Catgrab is compatible with a wide range of software. The transparent basic file structure means that the user is not reliant on special photo management software, thereby optimizing continuity across different software solutions.

The software can be run on Mac, Windows and Linux. Continuity is guaranteed even if the operating system changes or you find yourself working on different systems simultaneously.
Automatic renaming and archiving

Files are re-named by date and time and stored in appropriate directories on a biannual, quarterly or monthly basis.
No duplicated files on your PC

Files are not duplicated on your PC, even when the file names have been changed. So images can stay on the camera and will not be subsequently downloaded twice.

The one-click-system means that the software has only two command buttons. One for a quick settings menu with access to the user's manual, and the second for importing photos and films with a single click. you can free download CatGrab Small 1.3.9 now.

CatGrab Small 1.3.9 Keywords

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CatGrab Small 1.3.9 Publisher's Software

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