Publisher: Harold's Fonts
File size: N/A
OS: Windows XP, 2000, 98, Me
Date added: 2009-10-27
Category: PDF & Files
BENSFOLK 2.5 Description
"The BENSFOLK fonts are based on the work of the artist Ben Shahn."
Edit By BS Editor: The BENSFOLK fonts are based on the work of the artist Ben Shahn. He was a political activist, a painter, and a calligrapher, among many talents.
Shahn's work was once widely popular, and his book, The Shape of Content, still seems to be in print.
One of the lettering styles Shahn used was derived from the work of amateur sign painters. As most trained artists react to so-called naive or folk work, he found their crude beauty to "cacophonous and utterly unacceptable. Being so it is irresistibly interesting."
Shahn used this lettering to represent the speech of the common person, and it blended perfectly with his pen work Shahn also lived to see his work--itself derived from earlier sources--used as a starting point by others.
Each complete font includes two of each capital letter, punctuation, numbers, and international characters.
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BENSFOLK 2.5 Related Software
The BENSFOLK fonts are based on the work of the artist Ben Shahn.
BENSFOLK 2.5 Publisher's Software
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