Free Astromart 8.2 Download
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Astromart 8.2 Download

Astromart 8.2

License: Shareware $49
Publisher: Frank Burns
File size: 12.70MB
OS: Windows XP, 98, Me
Date added: 2009-10-27
Category: Home & Education

Astromart 8.2 Description

"This new version provides even more facility for your astrolo."

AstroMart provides the utmost in user assistance for entering a chart. You just enter the name, date and time. AstroMart looks up the time shift (difference Between legal local time and GMT, including daylight saving, etc.). if the shift is not found, or if it is doubtful, a message box prompts for confirmation, and the most likely time shift is displayed.

Next the program does a incremental search for the locality in its database (all towns in the USA!). If the locality is not found, the database window is displayed so you can search for it, or add or modify a locality.

You can also enter a chart without specifying a locality, i.e. using nominal latitude and longitude (0.0, 0.0 for example).

All calculations are exact within one minute of degree for the period 1900-2000. Outside this time Frame, Pluto and Neptune are less exact but not more than a couple of minutes.


For a birth chart, AstroMart displays four types of graphics in three different formats, in addition it displays the following graphics:
Table of aspects,
Previsions graph,
Values pie graph,
Values bar graph,
Moon cycle,
Line graph,
Line graph for a transiting planet (showing the diverse aspects),
Line graph for all transiting planets,
Superposed charts for transits, comparisons, progression, etc.
Side-by-side charts.

When you click on an object (graphic, wheel, house, planet, Aspect) with the left mouse button, the program displays a window containing information about the object.
For a graphic that has aspects, the program displays a list box containing the list of aspects when you click in the Middle of the graphic.
For a planet, for example, the window contains the subject's name, the name of the planet in full, the sign, how many degrees in the sign, if the planet is retrograde, the absolute longitude and latitude, and which house it is in.
you can free download Astromart 8.2 now.

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    This new version provides even more facility for your astrolo.
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