Free AllDb 1.0 Download
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AllDb 1.0 Download

AllDb 1.0

License: Shareware $99.00
Publisher: ApexCalibur Software Inc
File size: 1.53MB
OS: Windows 2003, XP, 2000, 98, Me, NT
Date added: 2009-10-27
Category: Development

AllDb 1.0 Description

"It's a challenge most developers face—inevitably you're dealing with databases"

BS Editor: It's a challenge most developers face—inevitably you're dealing with databases. For many developers without database experience, this can be intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be any longer. Microsoft has made the first steps toward simplifying the process, and ApexCalibur Software has completed it, with the launch of AllDb Class Library.

Developers who have provided multiple database support within the .NET Framework know that it requires duplicate source code for each database implementation. Any veteran programmer can attest that having to support multiple copies of a single implementation is, at the very least, a headache in the making, as you have to keep all the source code in sync.

The AllDb solution provides all the functionality to implement any ADO.NET supported database using a single set of source code.

Best of all, developers who code ADO.NET for Microsoft SQL Server 2000 already have completed 95% of the learning curve required for AllDb. AllDb uses, in almost all cases, the same syntax as MS SQL Server 2000, even to the point of using its SQL dialect for embedded SQL. you can free download AllDb 1.0 now.

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  • AllDb
    It's a challenge most developers face—inevitably you're dealing with databases

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