File size: 620KB
OS: Windows Vista, XP, 2000, 98, Me, NT
Date added: 2009-10-27
Category: Utilities
"Open applications, documents & Internet pages by voice!Free multilingual version"
EditByBSEditor: Typle listens to your voice when it's windows is closed, and when the icon flashes.
Tray Icon Click Mode - in this mode Typle listens to your voice for 15 seconds after you press the icon at the bottom of the screen. To switch to this mode, Right Click on the icon and choose Disable Listening Mode. When you want to activate Typle for 15 seconds only just Left Click on the tray icon.
After adding a new user, you can add voice commands even when Typle is close. Just Right Click on any file or folder, choose "Say: ..." in the context menu and record your new command.
By clicking the private button in the Command Window, you can see all the Websites you have entered in the last few months, and you choose to add them to your voice commands. You can organize this list and remove unnecessary Websites. If you press Delete on one of the Websites it won't appear again in this list.
Double Click on any command in the Action column will open it.
You can use Right Click instead of some of the buttons in the toolbar.
You can open any number of commands simultaneously using only one voice command, for example "Computer, open my working environment". To do that, follow these steps:
- First, create the first voice command and record it.
- Second, use Copy (Ctrl + C) and Paste (Ctrl + V) to create a new command from the first one.
- Third, click the Edit Command button to change only the Target and Action of the new command without changing its recordings.
The computer will perform these two commands simultaneously because their recordings are exactly the same.
New Features:
Right-Click on every file and folder
User Interface in 10 Languages
Browse all the last visited WebSite
Activate by Left-Click you can free download Typle 2.0 now.
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