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License: Freeware Free
File size: 601KB
OS: Windows 2003, XP, 2000, 98, Me, NT
Date added: 2009-10-27
Category: Desktop Utilities


"Use this tool to measure anything on your screen (mm, cm,px)."

This tool is designed and made for one single purpose - to help you to measure anything on your screen. The tool is highly configurable, comes with different useful options:
* measure in Pixels, millimeters and centimeters
* horizontal and vertical guides
* customizable translucency
* customizable tickers
* "Stay on TOP" window style (floating over other windows)
* Screen edges snapping
* Remembers last state (position and options)
* Mouse and keyboard moving/resizing
* FREE to use

Measure the distance Between two points on your screen, get the exact location and size of an element on a web page, measure in pixels, centimeters or millimeters, both horizontally and vertically? Screen Ruler is your choice:

* measure in pixels, millimeters, centimeters and inches
* horizontal and vertical guides
* highly customizable
* FREE to use
* FREE source you can free download Screen Ruler 4.0 now.

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