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License: Freeware Free
Publisher: sky-net
File size: 1.01MB
OS: Linux
Date added: 2009-10-27
Category: Home & Education


"SkyNET is a sky chart program for .NET."

BSEditor: SkyNET is a Sky Chart program for .NET. It works under Mono using the Gtk# library, and more limited Qt# and #WT frontends are provided now. If you are looking for a free good mature astronomical program for Linux try the excelent KStars.

SkyNET is free software, distributed under the GNU LGPL.

The current version of SkyNET can display the stars of the SAO catalog and constellation names and lines. you can free download SkyNET 0.1.1 now.

Related Software

  • SkyNET is a sky chart program for .NET.

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