Fantasy Cricket Manager 3.00.28
Publisher: GG's Club Cricket Software
File size: 1.48MB
OS: Windows Vista, XP, 2000, 98, Me, NT
Date added: 2009-10-27
Category: Home & Education
Fantasy Cricket Manager 3.00.28 Description
"Run a fantasy cricket competition to raise money for your club"
Edit By BS Editor: Fantasy cricket league competitions, Similar to those in various national newspapers but based on your own club's players, can be a lot of fun and a good way of raising much needed funds for your club - one club made over £700 profit in one year from their competition!
The rules of these competitions vary but basically the entrants select a team of players and the winner is the person whose team accumulates the most points for their batting, bowling and fielding performances throughout the season.
Running a fantasy cricket league competition used to involve a lot of work producing the entry forms, checking that the teams conformed to the rules of the competition, calculating the points for the teams after each match and producing a league table but the Fantasy Cricket Manager add-on for Cricket Statistics for Windows can take care of all these jobs for you.
With just a few mouse clicks or keystrokes, the Fantasy Cricket Manager can produce the following reports:
League Table
Team Summary
Player Ratings
Entry Form
Player List
These reports can be printed, viewed on screen, exported to HTML files for publishing on a web site or exported to other Windows applications (e.g. Spreadsheets, Word Processors or Desk Top Publishing packages). you can free download Fantasy Cricket Manager 3.00.28 now.
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