Free PictMatch 2.00 Download
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PictMatch 2.00 Download

PictMatch 2.00

License: Shareware $12.00
Publisher: Droid Informatica Ltda
File size: 2.60MB
OS: Windows XP, 2000, 98, Me, NT
Date added: 2009-10-27
Category: Photograph & Graphics

PictMatch 2.00 Description

"PictMatch is a program created to compare groups of pictures."

Editor: PictMatch is a picture Comparator - a program created to compare groups of pictures, finding duplicated images. It is highly configurable, so you can always make it fit your needs. Files can be compared exactly (byte to byte) or by similarity (approximate match).
PictMatch offers many features:
* Compares picture files across different folders, recursively or not.
* Two methods of comparing pictures (exact and by similarity).
* Compares files of different formats (jpg and png, for example).
* Compares files with different sizes and different resolutions.
* Optionally can ignore parts of the pictures (ex. logos) when comparing by similarity.
* Automatic with flexibility: an optional matches window, resizable, with zoom and pan (scroll), allows a visual analysis of the pictures. If you want, you change the action to be taken. All default actions can be configured in accordance to your personal preferences.
*You can optionally tell the program to create a BAT file for later execution. BAT files can be easily edited.
*Can recursively cross-compare all the files of a single set of folders or compare all the files of a first set of folders with all the files of a second (reference) set of folders.
* When detecting a match, PictMatch by default tries to keep the file that has better resolution or better contrast (in similarity mode), but you can change this, if you want.
*You can configure up to six exclusion areas of the pictures (overlapping or not), in order to Detect matches regardless of logos and subtitles. For example, you can instruct PictMatch to detect these two pictures as being a match:
*Can automatically group visually Similar files in separated subdirectories, making it easier to organize them later (you can see more about Regroup option in the FAQ section).
you can free download PictMatch 2.00 now.

PictMatch 2.00 Keywords

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