Free Split Download
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    Splits a large file into several smaller files.

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    • Pdf Split and Merge
      using the PdfSharp library and is either GUI or command driven.

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    • Tathania
      Looks up the ascii and hex code of any character.
    • ForceShutDown
      Schedules windows to be logged off, shut down or rebooted
    • FileSAR
      File search and replace.
    • Newline
      Converts ascii files from Unix to Dos or vice versa.
    • AntiShutDown
      Prevents stubborn installers from shutting down windows.

    • Tarylynn synchronises two folders and all subfolders within.
    • Split
      Splits a large file into several smaller files.
    • StopWatch
      StopWatch is a simple stopwatch program.
    • Filter
      Filters non-text files to be readable by removing control characters, etc.
    • PassView
      Extracts text from any password fields in any open window.
    • Patch
      Creates a patch file from two files,or patches a file using a patch file.
    • Txtclean
      Cleans up text files by trimming spaces from start and ends of lines.
    • CountryCodes
      Search for the internet/ISO country code or international dialing prefix
    • FileSize
      This program will set the size of a file.
    • Carlanthano
      Carlanthano is a jukebox for Windows.
    • Filer
      Truncates bytes from the start and end of a file
    • Dariolius Column Splitter
      a small program that allows you to split and mail delimited text files.
    • Head
      Gets starting lines or bytes from a file.
    • FileSort
      Sorts the lines in a file into ascending or descending alphabetical order.

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