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All Teaching and Testing Downloads
Spelling Tester is made for testing yourself spelling skills (like in school).
Tags: free spelling test, kids spelling test, first grade spelling testFreewareSpelling Test Practice
Spelling Test Practice allows you to hear and practice spelling words.
Tags: Spelling Test Practice, spelling test, spelling practiceFreewareLearning to type is easy and fun with the Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor.
Tags: in game, speed typing, speed gameFreewareYet another bandwith monitor, but this one is analogue!
Tags: dome, dom, excel speedometerFreeware- Freeware
- Freeware
Speak Good Chinese for Linux 0.5
Speak Good Chinese is a cross-platform application based on GTK technology.
Tags: speak chineseFreewareSnob.exe is a bit of fun to try and tell you a little about the English 'class'
Freewarea low-cost text & PowerPoint display system for the classroom.
FreewareShader Experimenting and Testing
in the fxPascal-High Level Shader LanguagePixelshadersand SETH is a integ
Tags: experiment, shader, shadeFreeware- Freeware
- Freeware
- Freeware
- Freeware
Learn programming and have fun.
FreewareProgram a robot and learn programmation.
Freeware- Freeware
Reciteword is an education software to help people to study English.
FreewareInstructor's Grading and Reporting Tool
FreewareRapidTyping - Typing Tutor 2.9.6
Improve your typing skills with free touch typing tutor for adults and kids.
Tags: api, i tutor, rapidtypingFreeware