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This applet can show a crosszoom effect between any images.
N/A- N/A
This applet displays a dissolving text over any image.
N/AThis applet can show a dust effect between any images.
N/AThis applet can scroll any text with the fade effect on the borders.
N/AThis applet displays a menu with the fire effect.
N/AThis applet can scroll any text with the fire effect.
N/ADisplaying your menu over this animated fog effect.
N/AThis applet displays an interleave effect between images.
N/ADisplay your menu over a rippling lake effect!
N/AThis applet can scroll any text with the lake effect.
N/AThis applet can scroll any text with the led effect.
N/AThis applet can show a menu with the rain effect.
N/AThis applet can scroll any text with the rotate effect.
N/A- N/A
This applet can show a menu with the shear effect.
N/AThis applet can scroll any text with the shear effect.
N/A- N/A
This applet can show a menu with the voxel effect.
N/AA cool image warp effect that you can add scrolling text to!